Thursday, July 5, 2007

CMC and Culture

The next chapter I read in The Handbook was Chapter 11: Cultural Context and Computers. Through much use of the internet, going on a decade or so, I have come to the conclusion that there are three distinct reasons why people use the internet: Informaton gathering, social interaction and commerse. The internet is unique because it blends multiple types of media, all through one outlet. I want to see how all of this playing into the ultimately humanistic concept of competition. I decided to study one specific type of medium, World of Warcraft solely and see how the videogame media in combination with the massive connectivity of the internet.

How I am going to look at the internet's connectivity (and ultimately WoW) is through 3 types of interactivity. All forms of media must contain some interactivity or else there would be no meaning being shared (given or taken).

Interactivity 1:

Agency – Media

Agency can also be substituted with ‘player’.

The medium: The game of WoW itself, sans every other human players.

This includes interaction with interactive fiction, customization from the user, and the media’s and producer’s control over the parameters. This interaction is when the design of the game takes a great affect on the actions of the user.

Interactivity 2:

Media – Structure

Media: The Game

Structure: The outside social structure

The brings up the classic question of how SMSs alter political and economic infrastructure of social life. Ex. “Are our rights taken away with the implementation of the patriot act and how they can monitor the internet?” “No, ‘cause this is ‘Merica.”

Non of that nonsense here, but the other norms CMC influences is how the game of WoW allows certain types of contact between players i.e. the display of profiles, the spatial and abstract forms of chat, the ability to earn and display feats and levels, to be altruistic and to be competitive or to be co operative; all of this is possible with the interaction of the media and the social structure.

All in all, this type of interaction determines guidelines, abilities and limitations of how the users of CMC can interact with each other.

This leads into the next:

Interactivity 3:

Agency - Structure

The chapter references how, in a Utopian society mind you, this is the ultimate way for users to participate in a completely democratic society. Basically saying, CMC is almost necessary for democracy (some may or may not agree, but I do not care about politics). Never the less, This fits in with my studies of competition and WoW, because without the interaction between Agency and Structure is more so the game than the game itself. Nick Yee claimed this on a CNN interview. This type of interaction and communication creates new social formations.

I meant to post this a couple of days ago, but I guess i did not hit the publish button. Sorry.

I wish I was this hardcore.

I have a lot of questions for my survey, just not on this computer. I will post them tomorrow when I get to the file.

I want to end with a quote about from the 'hardcore' guy.
"In 2 years of the game being live. I have written extensively before about who I am and why I enjoy what I do. I am a bit disappointed at the "Southpark/Overweight/etc" comments and I hope that is a result of shortsightedness, misunderstanding or simple jealousy rather than genuine beliefs. I encourage you all to face each day with an open mind - and not one filled with stereotypes or preconceived notions. In 20 years, when your children are learning about the world in a virtual one - I hope some of you remember that not everybody who uses computers to communicate or for enjoyment is a social leper who deserves nothing else but to be beaten up. The geeks shall inherit the earth." (Read this hardcore)

PEACE for now!!!


Brett Boessen said...

Would you explain your terms a bit more? When you say the internet is unique in that it combines several kinds of uses, its not clear what you mean. If you're talking about the three uses you mention, we could say television also allows viewers to gather information, interact more thoroughly with others socially, and conduct commerce (through advertising and other forms). So its not clear in what _way_ specifically the internet is unique.

Brett Boessen said...

That multi-boxing stuff really seems to take competition to its capitalistic conclusion, ie, if you've got the money and inclination, why not figure a way to remove some of the cooperation so you can increase your ability to compete? Or maybe that's not the way to look at what they've done there. It would be fascinating to talk with the guy who posted that piece. If not available, I think you might ask some of your future interviewees what they think of multi-boxing, whether they would ever consider it given the money, and how they think it might change their own play style and approach to the game. I think their answers would be illuminating.

Brett Boessen said...

I agree, I think the quote from the multi-boxing guy is great; it made me slow down when I read it the first time, too. But how do you see it working into your project (or being relevant to it)? Just curious--I don't see the link right away, but you may be tracking it differently.