So I went down to Video Post and Transfer today to pick up my film. While Glenn wasn't there to receive me, I talked to an editor named Peggy. Real nice woman, cussed a lot, sharp as a tact. Anyway, she gave me a digital beta tape, but then added:
"Listen, we think there is a problem with the shutter. The images are really soft and there's a streak of light on the right side of the frame. This generally happens with most used camera equipment. We can give you a list of people to talk to about fixing it."
I asked about the costs, but she claimed to not have much of a clue about that sort of thing.
Well, with this class slowly coming to a close, the knowledge of film and video, while still minimal compared with that of a specialist in this technical field, has allowed me to realize the complexities and outright mindscrews that you have to live with on a daily basis. The question of which one is better than the other...well, I still don't know the answer to that one.
More next week.